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Lobster with Garlic Chips and Dill and Tarragon Aioli

dinner lunch christmas seafood
Serves 2
Lobster with Garlic Chips and Dill and Tarragon Aioli


5 large maris piper potatoes
2 tsps of Cornish Sea Salt Really Garlicky
3 rosemary leaves finely chopped
20g tarragon leaves
20g dill leaves
300ml vegetable oil
1 egg yolk
1 tsp of dijon mustard
1 tsp of garlic sea salt
1/2 lemon
2 lobster tails cut in half lengthways, can be fresh or frozen (defrosted)
20g melted butter
2 tsps of Cornish Sea Salt Fresh and Zesty
1 Lemon


Cut the potatoes with skin on into chunky chip shapes, don’t need to be precious about the shape as long as they are similar-ish thickness. Cook them in boiling salted water until cooked through and nearly falling apart. Gently remove one by one onto a tray for all the steam to release and to be completely cool and dry. Then ideally freeze if you have time or fry once cooled if you don’t have time.

To make the aioli, blanch your herbs for about 10 secs in boiling water to get that vibrant green colour and then add to iced or cold water and dry with kitchen roll. Blitz the herbs with stalks and all in a food processor with half the oil. 

In a bowl add the egg yolk and slowly start whisking in the oil with an electric whisk. It should start thickening immediately. Add the blitz herb oil until all fully incorporated and bright green. Add the mustard, lemon and Really Garlicky Salt and taste for seasoning or adjusting.

Heat up your oil in a deep large pan to frying temperature roughly 170c, and whack on your grill to the highest temp for the lobster.

Add the frozen or fresh chips to the oil and begin frying until golden brown and then remove and drain and toss in the Really Garlicky Cornish Sea Salt and chopped rosemary.

On a baking tray add your cut lobster tails and paste the melted butter onto them and finish with Cornish Sea Salt Fresh and Zesty. Pop under the grill for 5 - 8 mins depending how big your lobster tails are. Doesn’t take long at all. 

Serve immediately with a good squeeze of lemon over the lobster and all dipped in some aioli.

Rocket and champagne serving suggesting for a festive treat.